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» Hope to all my suffering ladies
PAIN FREE WITH DR ROBERT MORSE EmptyFri Oct 23, 2020 12:04 am by ringostarr26

» Please tell me this can get better
PAIN FREE WITH DR ROBERT MORSE EmptySat Jul 18, 2020 7:38 pm by sammykramer

» By no means cured, but doing much better!
PAIN FREE WITH DR ROBERT MORSE EmptyMon Mar 16, 2020 1:26 pm by tinkerbelle2

» How I cured my Vulvodynia!
PAIN FREE WITH DR ROBERT MORSE EmptySat Dec 07, 2019 11:54 am by Millie

» 7 months since the diagnosis
PAIN FREE WITH DR ROBERT MORSE EmptyWed Aug 14, 2019 2:38 am by agtoronto

» Gabapentin Gel. or other topical creams
PAIN FREE WITH DR ROBERT MORSE EmptySat Jun 15, 2019 5:22 pm by mary jane

PAIN FREE WITH DR ROBERT MORSE EmptySat Jun 15, 2019 5:21 pm by mary jane

» Help New Diagnosis
PAIN FREE WITH DR ROBERT MORSE EmptySat Jun 15, 2019 5:07 pm by mary jane

» 6 days post Vestibulectomy - Is this normal?? please tell me about your postop healing process!
PAIN FREE WITH DR ROBERT MORSE EmptyTue Jun 11, 2019 12:56 am by VVSSufferer

Gabapentin Gel. or other topical creams

Thu May 10, 2018 9:43 am by Rosie21

Hi I have been suffering for some years with this abominable pain. I have tried most of the systemic drugs , I asked specialists and Doctors if I could at least try a topical treatment but because this requires a special prescription have been refused Has anybody had a chance of trying these? Thank you I will try to put a link on to some of the research into Gabapentin Gel. Thanks.

Comments: 2

Putnams 'bony parts' cushion or Putnams 'Dr Huff' cushion - which is best?

Sat Aug 01, 2015 4:17 pm by Fielder

Hi everyone,

I'm a newbie.  I live in the UK.  

I'm trying to work out the best cushion to get for my vulvodynia.  I suspect that I could have pudendal nerve involvement (the aching and burning pain is from vagina to clitoris) and I have rectocele and some tailbone pain too.

I have seen some good reports on older threads regarding the Putnams pressure relief cushions....with some ladies …

Comments: 11

An absolute success story- please read!

Fri Mar 08, 2019 10:57 pm by Persevere1990

Dear All,

I posted on here back in March 2017 having just got a diagnosis of vulvodynia after a few months of relentless and acute pain. I was desperate, I was hurting, I was scared I would never know life without pain there again.

I tried creams, acupuncture, numbing gels, frozen pads, baths with various internet recommended concoctions- convinced myself I had lichen sclerosus, herpes, thrush- …

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I'm sorry im rambling

Thu Feb 21, 2019 5:49 am by Jet227

hey, im 19, ive been struggling with this almost a year. The first week I became itchy I went in to check about a yeast infection another week later. I have been to 10 different doctors a total of about 15 appointments for this problem for the past 11 months. I have been tested for everything including having a biopsy. I was first told basically to just go home and use hydrocortazone, then I went …

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New member need advice please

Thu Feb 28, 2019 11:33 pm by PANDORA123

Hello, I have just been diagnosed with unprovoked vulvodynia. Im really scared and worried. It burns a lot and it hurts to sit down. I have been prescribed amitriptyle 10mg. Can anyone give me some hope that I can get better from this condition. Feeling low and depressed.


Comments: 5

MonaLisa Touch

Fri Feb 08, 2019 7:35 pm by rl2091

Hi All,

I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with the MonaLisa Touch treatment for Vulvodynia? My pain started when I went on HRT(pill) for anxiety mainly and my pain abruntly stopped when I stopped HRT. However, when I started on the HRT patch (at my dr's suggestion), the pain returned and has never left. That was 7 years ago. I found MonaLisa Touch on the internet purely by accident …

Comments: 3

Diagnosed Recently

Tue Jan 08, 2019 3:55 pm by flissyg

Hi All,

I’m so glad I’ve found a place where there are others who understand how I feel!

So this is my story:-

I’m 36,  and 4 months ago, whilst innocently sitting in bed reading I experienced a very sharp stabbing pain in my clitoris. It last only a few minutes and then subsided as quickly as it came on. It put it down to “one of those things”.  The following morning I woke up …

Comments: 4

New and need advice and help

Wed Dec 05, 2018 3:26 pm by Cin124

Hi everyone,

About three months ago, I started having vaginal and vulval itching. Then, about two months ago, my vulva started to feel painful and look swollen, so I went to the doctor. I was tested for herpes, chlamydia, and gonorrhea which all came back negative. I also had to do a vaginal swab test and the only thing that came back positive was yeast infection. I was prescribed hydrozole …

Comments: 6

New here would very much appreciate advice at the end of my rope

Wed Jan 09, 2019 9:09 pm by Jma990o

This might be a little long but it's been such a long time I've even been able to talk about my problems openly thank you in advance for any helpful advice.
So ok I'm 24 I've been having this problem for over two years seen quite a few doctors and obgyns alike and nobody will take me seriously I have had a few utis and yeast infections and even bv once and this all started after one of the utis …

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Nichlas B.
Rainy Day
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Post  ria Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:19 pm

Hello everyone,

I am now pain free no medication. Please look up Dr Robert Morse on youtube he has helped me with my constant pain he is a Naturopathic doctor in America. I did not go and see him I had a telephone consultation, but please feel free to call the clinic advice is there for free can you beleive it Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

If you need any advice please contact me I know it works. Nooooooo medication its amazing thank god Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy please read my old posts you will see how desperate I was for help and all on this site have been wonderful.

Please research him it has worked for me.



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Post  Melissa777 Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:18 am

So can you write us on here exactly what you did? I mean many of us have been
Seeking so many dif treatments
And sure I don't speak for just myself
But we are exhausted contacting and talking
To different people. So... What exactly did you do? Eat? Drink? Herbals? Supplements?


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Post  Aussie Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:37 am

great news ria!i remember some of your posts and how much you suffered. I too am seeing a natropath and doing much better these days. Would love to know your treatment ragime as i am not 100


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Post  ria Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:30 am


I was at the end of the road and by chance came across Dr Robert Morse he works with very serious conditions and gets fab results.
When I told him about my pain in the vulva and how it started with a sinus infection he told me it was acidosis which is to much acid in the body, caused by the toxin build up and the medication. I went on a Juice fast drinking nothing but grape juice or green juice , I also had 3 colonics and then ordered the bowel herbs from Dr Morse, the more you eliminate the better to get the body back to alkaline.

Detoxification is not a system of treatment or a way to remove symptoms; it is a system of curing by addressing the cause of the disease. The diet is raw food and it is wonderful. Please youtube Dara Dubinet raw food and Dan McDonald raw food and just get information on how healthy these people are. Its like yeast infections telling people to stay away from fruit Dr Morse says eat the fruit to eliminate the yeast. If you telephone the clinic they give you free advice, not like all the money I have spent on specialists. The lady I speak to is called Shannon, if you mention Rita, she will know its me and I have been on the site, I told her it would be the first thing I do to let all you know what has worked for me.

So I dont eat meat, dairy, coffee tea beans. But I do eat vegetables fruit nuts seeds and I use a vitamix blender, dehydrator and juicer look at the wonderful recipes on you tube. Also go to rawfood rehab. I am sorry if I am ranting but I am trying to tell you how I got hooked and trust me you will never look back. It is difficult cutting out the foods at first you can have what they call a healing crisis where you get worse before you get better but this wonderful man has cured cancer patients with the same regime. Spend an afternoon listening to Dr Morse answer questions on all conditions for people and then have a go and regenerate the damaged cells by using fruit. You have more energy, zest for life and of course no medication, I have stopped all my Hormones as well, I know its hard to believe, but we are what we eat this is sooooooo true.

My email is I am a Hypnotherapist if you need anymore help.

Get juicing and get well all of you for 2012 this is my wish for all of you, it can be achieved.

Rita is my name Ria is my user name Dont hesitate to contact me You can get well like me you have tried everything else what have you got to lose Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy


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Post  Melissa777 Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:45 pm

so I called and spoke with Drew. He did give some advice. But... The doctor does charge $200 for a phone consultation. so technically its NOT free.

Rita, did you happen to get a yeast infection at all during the time- or after your sinus infection? just curious?

also- what are you eating now? they promote only eating fruits/veggies/seads/ nuts
and nothing else.

as well as taking their supplements for lymphatic/ kidney/ bladder, heavy metal detox, heal all tea, etc:
that can be EXPENSIVE.
it seems as though you had a much different experience with them. Shannon was NOT in when I called

=Im tired of spending money on things that don't work.

please help


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Post  ria Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:45 pm

Hi Mellisa,

You do not need to speak to Dr Morse that was a choice I made. First and foremost you detoxify with fruit. I bought a Juicer and did not eat any food just juiced, its not easy and you feel like crap, but you are detoxifying the body getting rid of the acidosis which is causing the pain. Sit and listen to him on youtube thats where I got the info also I did order the heal all tea and douched n my vulva and also drank the tea. So yes the herbs quicken the process Mellisa, but you can do it without. He has cured people with cancer doing the detoxification programme, you live a rawfood way of life and I know you will feel so much better.

Well I was told I did not have yeast, but when I started with the fruit detoxifying I came out in a rash under my skin and it was yeast, we are purging our bodies of toxin and we can get colds all sorts of healing crisis but we keep gping until the body is clean.
Dr Morse says our lymphatic system is blocked adrenals also we must get them flowing properly again, and yes we do it with juice.

The medication I was taking was putting acid back in y body thats why the pain never went away with any pain medication.

Mellisa I am not forcing this on anyone I just want to help, I know the blessed curse of this condition I have cried buckets so just research it and listen to what he says.

Take care xx Ria

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy


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Post  Sarah001 Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:00 pm

Is that what you'll be eating forever then Rita? It's great that it's worked for you but is it supposed to be a viable longterm diet?

I've had a quick look at his website but he isn't going to be of use to me unless he can magically give me new ligaments which he can't and juicing wouldn't do either so I'm leaving it for now. I'm always wary of people who say they've cured cancer patients with these things too because it sounds farfetched and you have no idea what else the patient was on medically or if it ever really happened if you see what I mean. I'm just like Melissa and sick of spending money on things that don't work so I've become very sceptical about this kind of thing.

Do keep us posted though if you remain painfree, especially if at some point you can add some different foods back in. I'm not sure I could live off juice and nuts once the winter sets in!

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Post  Aussie Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:55 am

This is great news Ria to find out you have done this with a raw food diet! A lot of people I talk to over on the IC forum have done a raw food diet and also eliminated their symptoms.

Coincidently I was talking with a lady on the beach the other day about acidic foods and what it does to my bladder, She cured herself from breast cancer from eating only a raw food diet. Cancer can't suvive in the body so long as the body is 80% alkaline. She also mentioned that the medications we take are putting more acid in the body. So it is certainly possible. I talked to this lady for 2 hours. She was 100% genuine and not a nut job!

Sarah, you have to think. Pain forever or raw food diet forever, if it gave you the promise of resolution of symptoms and it worked. Could you do it forever? For me there is no question about it!

Well done Ria on finding a natural solution to your troubles. I am at about 85 percent most of the time. Still pushing for the last 15% and this is an option I will def look into. Now i know it wasn't a coincidence that I felt BETTER coming off all meds and the OCP!

Good luck to you! Keep us posted on progress please!!!



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Post  Aussie Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:58 am

I was tired too of spending money but once you find something that makes a difference the money does not even come into it! I spend $140 a month on my current treatment program and I am not even 100%. I am happy to spend that amout for the relief I get.

You will find something sweetheart just keep pushing. Don't you dare give up! xox


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Post  Sarah001 Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:01 pm

Living on raw food with no or very little carbs wouldn't be a possibility for me, I'm hypoglycaemic so need complex carbs at every meal to stop me passing out. At the moment I'm dealing with the issue I know is definitely present which is my pelvic floor but if that doesn't get the results I'm after I'll be adding other things like herbs etc. I just wondered if at any point you could add bits of food back in? The inflammation diet works along the lines of removing acid from the system and that didn't help me but as always it depends on the cause of the V as to the cure.

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Post  skippypie23 Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:46 pm

First of all I'm SO happy for you Ria! I can't even imagine how wonderful it must feel to be pain free!

I was wondering, how long does the Raw Food diet take to heal the condition? My problem is i don't know the cause of my VVS at all, so i've been trying so many things. I would gladly try the Raw Food Diet, but I wouldn't want to go through that waiting for it to work if it doesn't for me.

So how long would you recommend trying it? I'm also afraid of cutting out so many things from my diet as I am anemic and don't have a very strong immune system Sad


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Post  Rainy Day Fri Jul 20, 2012 1:17 pm

Out of curiosity, I have been using the ph strips to test my urine. It ranges from 5.75-6.25...which seems acidic. Was wondering if Ria could comment on whether she ever checked her acidity and waht it was before. Does anyone ever check theirs? I am definatly looking at this route...

Rainy Day

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PAIN FREE WITH DR ROBERT MORSE Empty A Follow-Up to this Discussion

Post  Nichlas B. Wed Feb 26, 2014 8:51 pm

I think that this thread deserved a follow-up, also to put things into perspective and offer some clarification coming from someone who knows Rita and has trained with Dr. Morse in person. So I will proceed to offer this follow-up.

I see that Rita made her last visit to this site 10 days after her final post here. I’ve known Rita for a few years now and can tell everyone that she has been pain free ever since she created this thread. How? Because she addressed what created the pain (and any other painful condition, regardless of where it is in the body) in the first place. Through a Facebook support medium, Rita, alongside others, has been actively helping and supporting people in restoring their health (and this is free of charge) based on what our community has learned from Dr. Morse.

The first thing I’d like to offer is a brief and simplified summation of the process Rita utilized to recover (not the specifics pertaining to what she did).


Rita turned to the method of healing that my mentor, Dr. Robert Morse, refers to as detoxification. This is not the alcohol rehab or 30-day type of “detox” programs you have out there. And as Rita pointed out, this is not a system of merely treating, managing or masking symptoms only to halfway ignore and allow the problem to progress and become worse as the years go by.

Detoxification serves to restore a healing atmosphere within the body through an alkalizing diet (predominated by fresh, organic fruit and vegetables) coupled with tissue-specific herbal formulas, as well as practicing a full-spectrum health model (abdominal deep breathing, sunshine, medication, stress-reduction, meeting personal need for adequate rest and physical activity, and so forth) to the best of one’s ability.

The emphasis of the detoxification process is to activate the lymphatic system (the body’s purification and main immune system) and restore normal function back to all tissues of the body. This permits the body to more effectively expel acidic waste by-products, toxins and other chemical residues. This removes the very chemistry that inflames and damages tissue in the first place, brings adequate oxygenation to the cells that comprise the tissue, and allows the tissues to finally rebuild, heal and strengthen.

The pain, “disease,” or however one may refer to it, gradually dissipates into non-existence. Understand that such reactions are not “cures.” They are natural responses that ensue from providing the body with the appropriate circumstances and conditions needed for it to heal itself. The concept of “diseases” flies out of the window while [what should be] common sense and self-empowerment takes its place. And what if you have a little undesired bacteria, fungi or virus? Well, that’s also where the herbs come in to help us once we learn how to use them properly.

Understand also, that what we practice is not just “raw foods” and not just “fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.” Each health protocol or approach must be tailored specifically to accommodate for each individual’s weaknesses. As a prior commenter mentioned about their own situation, this individual (Sarah001) was dealing with hypoglycemia, while another individual was dealing with anemia (Skippypie23). A person with these weaknesses will not necessarily be recommended to approach the process in the same way Rita did, but will be guided based on what the person CAN do, CAN tolerate, and in a fashion that accommodates for these specific weaknesses, as they work themselves out of these health conditions.

Alright, so now that that has been said, I’ll go over some additional concerns brought up by previous commenters.

Must I do this forever? / The root problem

Let’s begin with the diet. Because the primary concern I can see here, is whether or not this is something you’ll have to do “for the rest of your life.” Now let’s back up for a moment here and pose the question, “what caused the problem in the first place?”
This is where people may become a little confused, offended and/or sensitive, which is understandable. I’m not here to ruffle feathers, but only to offer a viewpoint based on extensive experience and research. Anyone may feel free to disagree as they wish. One cannot ever expect of everyone else to resonate at the same level.

If you look at Rita’s post describing her diet, you’ll note that she omits food products like dairy products, meats, beans, coffee and so forth, from her diet. There’s an important reason for that. You see, the one place many of us (and you see this same inadequacy within the medical community) don’t wish to look at - where figuring out the root cause of our health issues is concerned - is our diet. Yet what we eat, drink, breathe/inhale, apply on our skin, how we think (i.e. negative thoughts) and how we feel (e.g. suppressed/repressed emotions, trauma, etc.) has EVERYTHING to do with our health and well-being whether we may like it or not.

But what we eat has the biggest impact by far and can compound the other aspects.

Dr. Morse considers all animal products, as well as grains, legumes, soy and starches, to be sub-optimal and most often damaging foods (pasteurized dairy products being the worst offender). And this is not based on some hyper-intellectualized theory, but on what he sees in his clinic. Where dairy is concerned, you see this very often with the mucus-oriented, congestive, fever-riddled problems infants and toddlers often have to deal with from being fed processed baby formulas and cow’s milk. Remove these products, feed the child a clean diet, and use child-safe nourishing or medicinal herbs whenever needed, and these common problems “miraculously” go away.

It also becomes obvious to anyone that may choose to eat a “clean” diet for a period of time and then reverts back to old eating habits incorporating the aforementioned food items. You will feel the difference (often painfully so).

So, going back to the initial question, “Will I have to do this for the rest of my life?” It’s a matter of choice, attitude and understanding that the majority of the foods you want to “add back into your diet” were likely contributing to the problem(s) you were dealing with in the first place. Many don’t want to accept this and that’s fair enough.

That said, you don’t have to indefinitely continue doing what Rita did to heal herself, once you’ve healed. But do yourself the favor and commit to a natural, whole-foods based diet at the very least and obviously omit the processed junk foods.

There are many alternatives to the infamous milk beverage including coconut milk, various nut and seed milks (hemp milk, almond milk, etc.) and so forth. If you absolutely must have dairy then consider raw goat’s milk (preferably) or raw dairy. Research it.

If you have to incorporate meat back into your diet, then go for the clean kind; organic, grass-fed, pasture-raised meats; wild-caught fish instead of farmed fish; free-range eggs instead of caged eggs and so forth. As a rule of thumb, the healthier the animals were raised, the better off and less damaging the products derived from these animals are going to be.

So no. You don’t have to be a strict vegetarian for the rest of your life if you don’t want to. We don’t promote fanaticism either. The sole gig for me is to provide the information and education in return for nothing, to help people understand why they lost (or never had) their health to begin with, and how they can reverse this. Outside of that, I don’t mind what anyone chooses to do afterwards.


How long does it take to heal?

Next, there was the question of how long it will take for raw foods to heal condition(s) “XYZ.”

There’s an extensive answer to this and a short version. I’ll provide the short version for the sakes of time.

Everyone is unique in terms of their tissue strengths and weaknesses. How fast one can activate and efficiently move their lymphatic system and restore the normal functional ability back to organs, endocrine glands and other tissues will differ from person to person. Obviously having removed lymph nodes (tonsils in particular) or other organs can and often does impede this process significantly. Then there’s also the aspect of how disciplined you will be at sticking to your health regimen once you begin (you don’t have to be perfect, don’t worry; slip-ups are common and are good learning experiences; these are also the [sometimes humorous] times where you personally experience and FEEL what “inappropriate” foods do to your body).

So there are multiple factors to consider where that is concerned. For pain to disappear can be a matter of days, weeks or months. For severely chronic or degenerative conditions, it’ll take effort, discipline and dedication, coupled with as much external support as you can get. These cases typically span anywhere between 6 months to 1-3 years. So, 3 years devoted to getting one’s life back on track versus treating symptoms (typically with medications and supplements) and suffering for the remainder of one’s life. It’s a choice.

Getting healthier essentially just becomes a way of life and, generally, the individual will come to enjoy it.

The price-tag on health

Finally, there's the financial component. As a person who used to take plenty of different supplements (both isolates and whole-food concentrates), superfood powders and nutritional [mineral] liquids, I can identify and relate with the concerns of having to invest in "yet another 'solution' that doesn't work or make any difference."

To navigate the natural health field in search of a remedy can be a pain in the ***, if you're new to it all, because everyone promises to have what you're looking for only to offer you a method of treating your symptoms (if even effective at that). I sigh at some of these health centers that charge people thousands of dollars in exchange for minimal results in return.

So I will say this: the diet is going to be your best and most foundational bet. Implement as many fruits and vegetables as possible. Get into home-made green juices, diluted fruit juices, dairy and nut-free fruit smoothies and green smoothies and the like. There are recipes all over the place but to get the "cleanest" options, if you're new to this, always couple "raw" or "raw vegan" into your Google/YouTube search terms.

Then, once you have the time and capacity, research the world of organic/wild crafted herbs. Because they can literally become one of your best allies in regaining and boosting health (which is why Dr. Robert Morse uses herbal formulas in his practice).

Let me also add that healing doesn't always require one to be "100% raw." It's also a journey that should be traversed with balance. And sometimes clean, gluten-free and dairy-free cooked meals (best consumed at dinner time) comprise a portion of that balance.

Final note

I hope the above helps put things into perspective for some of you. I will monitor this thread in case anyone may wish to direct questions at me and [I] will respond to these to the best of my ability and as time permits. I’ve created and administrate an educational website that encompasses much of what I’ve shared here in case anyone is interested. However, as a new registrant, understandably, I will not be able to share any external link(s) for another 7 days.

And for the record, I’m a male (in case someone here doesn’t like males tongue).

- Nichlas Brandon

Nichlas B.

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Post  zarli Thu Feb 27, 2014 1:32 pm

Thank you Niclas for your much detailed post. I have always been interested in this RAW approach but have given up every time, mainly because my pain gets worse really quickly and really badly. I lasted 5 weeks once and I was nearly in a very bad way.
I understand it and it makes so much sense to me and I so want it to work for me.
I am desperate as I have had neuralgia pain in vulva area and my middle back for 7 years. I am now working really hard at Louise L Hayes approach to healing but know I need the nutrition sorted out as well.
Any idea of why my pain got so bad quickly and was getting worse for 5 weeks ?
I get the theory it will get worse before it gets better but I am talking it got to an extreme pain level.
Any theory on nerve pain caused by the mind manifesting it and how to release it ?
I would really appreciate your help and feed back and once again thank you for caring enough in the first place to write your post.
Kind Regards


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Post  Nichlas B. Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:46 pm

zarli wrote:Thank you Niclas for your much detailed post. I have always been interested in this RAW approach but have given up every time, mainly because my pain gets worse really quickly and really badly. I lasted 5 weeks once and I was nearly in a very bad way.
I understand it and it makes so much sense to me and I so want it to work for me.
I am desperate as I have had neuralgia pain in vulva area and my middle back for 7 years. I am now working really hard at Louise L Hayes approach to healing but know I need the nutrition sorted out as well.
Any idea of why my pain got so bad quickly and was getting worse for 5 weeks ?
I get the theory it will get worse before it gets better but I am talking it got to an extreme pain level.
Any theory on nerve pain caused by the mind manifesting it and how to release it ?
I would really appreciate your help and feed back and once again thank you for caring enough in the first place to write your post.
Kind Regards
Hello Zarli,

I appreciate the feedback and am sorry to hear of your suffering and wish that you eventually find permanent relief one way or the other.

Before expounding upon your primary concern (neuralgic pain increasing on raw food), can you give me an overview of what your diet was like during times of raw food eating? (take me through an average day, what specific foods you were eating and such).

Also, what's your diet like when you're able to better manage through the pain as opposed to when being on raw foods?

Normally, I will have people fill out a detailed health history and evaluation questionnaire as it gives much insight into the person's situation and answers a lot of questions; because there can be various factors at play. But anyhow, the more details you provide for both the above questions, the better.

If you want to have a look at the questionnaire to see what it’s about, I'd happily provide it to you in PDF format.

I’m familiar with Louise Hayes although I haven't had a chance to peruse some of her work just yet. But I will say this: whenever the individual is immersed in or somewhat "locked" into a disruptive thought pattern or frame of mind, this can and often does prevent them from achieving much success in healing. Can negative thought patterns generate symptoms of ill health? I’d say yes, but I wouldn’t count on that being the cause in the majority of cases.

You see this typically with individual’s who’s partner/friends/family are the sole driving force behind this individual making whatever changes they come to make in the attempt to heal.

In other words, the third party wants to see you recover more than you do yourself. They do all the work for you (juicing, diet, preparing supplements, etc.) but you personally aren't very engaged or motivated in your own healing process (whether it's because you don't believe it'll work or you just don't feel prepared at the time). This spells limited success.

In contrast, however, if you're in the right frame of mind, the attitude is right, the time is NOW and you love yourself enough to give it all you've got to reclaim your health - that's a tremendous step in the right direction. Having some joy and fun in one's life - to the degree that it is possible - can make a big difference.

Then you just need to do the best that you can with regard to diet and lifestyle choices to best support your body's recovery. Receiving guidance and learning from those that are experienced with this line of work or have been through the same problem and made it out on the other side can prove pivotal. A support group is always wonderful to have.

Now, in only a few short paragraphs (for the sakes of keeping my reply brief) I'm probably not going to do much justice in helping you to understand what causes pain, inflammation and damage to tissue (regardless of what tissue it is).

But, if interested, you may refer to a 3-part introductory video that Dr. Morse has available on YouTube that covers and breaks down some of the most important basics of what we should know about our body to better take care of ourselves. And he does so in a language that the layperson and even kids can understand. This'll offer you the "bigger picture" versus viewing pain, or any condition for that matter, as an isolated condition which often breeds confusion, hyper-intellectualism and more dead-ends.

As to alleviating pain while fixing the underlying cause, there are several ways in which this can be done ranging from the use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain relieving) and sedative herbs as well as essential oils, to castor oil packs, certain lymph stimulating massages, acupuncture and biomagnetic therapy (the use of medical-grade and correctly applied magnets).

I personally have most experience with using herbs and biomagnetic therapy. I've observed from our community that castor oil packs have been quite effective too.

It is possible that I could consult Rita on your behalf to know what she would do in your particular situation, once I have more information from you. She'll know more about the female-related stuff than I do anyway. Very Happy 

I understand the idea of things "having to get worse before it gets better." We typically refer to these events as "healing crises" where the increased energy made available to the body coupled with the various cleansing foods (fruit in particular) triggers the body to purge itself more intensely than usual. Instead of simple mucus drainage, as an example, you get the full package of cold and flu symptoms, fever and possibly diarrhea. The interesting thing about cold air is that it's a great alkaline trigger for setting things in motion. As this "stirs up" up things internally, including acid waste by-products, toxins and so forth, increased or "moving" pain and many other symptoms can occur.

That said, I must also infer that a healing crisis is not always what's going. You do have situations, although fairly uncommon, where the person is responding unfavorably to whichever protocol or approach they're undergoing, and the key is to catch this as soon as possible and adjust accordingly.

That's what makes [true] detoxification an art. You learn through self-experience and the experiences that your clients have through ups and downs.

Alright. The aforementioned YouTube video with Dr. Morse is called "The Body in its Simplicity" This is one of several free video series that take you through the whole thing.

I don't mean to disregard this forum's 7-day-no-links policy, but it'll be easier for you to get an overview of what this is all about from the website I maintain:

From there, you can access all the educational videos and other material. So have a look around.

Best wishes,
- Nichlas

Nichlas B.

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Age : 31
Location : Denmark

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Post  RoseKa Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:31 am

Hi, I have been lurking on this site and other places on the net periodically for a few months now in hopes of finding an answer to this MISERABLY debilitating pain.... Nichlas I dont know if you are still around but thank you from my heart for caring enough to share that information and i thank Ria for sharing her experiences. I hope she is still okay. I have had very little success with drugs, supplements and therapies over the past few years not knowing i was only treating the symptoms all along and that likely any relief gotten would be reversed as soon as i stopped doing those things. So changing my diet and lifestyle to fix the cause is the only thing that makes sense to me. Im trying to change my diet to mostly fruits and greens and have been at it for 3 weeks since reading this thread and so far its been having a noticeable effect on my pain levels allowing me to sleep and rest better at night. Im hoping i can talk my doctor into helping me get off the medications too...

Nichlas if you see this, i dont mean to bombard you with questions but i would be so grateful if you would answer these: is it okay if i have some pasta, fish or eggs once in a while? Like once a week? Also i still drink coffee (little addicted too) because of low energy especially in the morning (but overall my energy has been getting better after diet change). Is there anything i can do to increase energy more and get off coffee? Right now im currently eating mostly greens... Like 70% greens and 30% fruits and other stuff. Should i change anything about that? Should i take anything like supplements or herbs? Last question: apart from my physician, do you think i should work with some kind of therapist or doctor or can i do this on my own? Any thoughts and feedback will be much appreciated. Thank you


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Age : 45

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Post  Nichlas B. Fri Aug 15, 2014 1:38 pm

RoseKa wrote:Hi, I have been lurking on this site and other places on the net periodically for a few months now in hopes of finding an answer to this MISERABLY debilitating pain.... Nichlas I dont know if you are still around but thank you from my heart for caring enough to share that information and i thank Ria for sharing her experiences. I hope she is still okay. I have had very little success with drugs, supplements and therapies over the past few years not knowing i was only treating the symptoms all along and that likely any relief gotten would be reversed as soon as i stopped doing those things. So changing my diet and lifestyle to fix the cause is the only thing that makes sense to me. Im trying to change my diet to mostly fruits and greens and have been at it for 3 weeks since reading this thread and so far its been having a noticeable effect on my pain levels allowing me to sleep and rest better at night. Im hoping i can talk my doctor into helping me get off the medications too...

Nichlas if you see this, i dont mean to bombard you with questions but i would be so grateful if you would answer these: is it okay if i have some pasta, fish or eggs once in a while? Like once a week? Also i still drink coffee (little addicted too) because of low energy especially in the morning (but overall my energy has been getting better after diet change). Is there anything i can do to increase energy more and get off coffee? Right now im currently eating mostly greens... Like 70% greens and 30% fruits and other stuff. Should i change anything about that? Should i take anything like supplements or herbs? Last question: apart from my physician, do you think i should work with some kind of therapist or doctor or can i do this on my own? Any thoughts and feedback will be much appreciated. Thank you

Hello RoseKa,

Thank you for your comment and questions. Yes, I'm "still around" in the sense that I receive an e-mail notification anytime someone posts on this thread.

Rita (or Ria) is doing phenomenal and, while supporting others on their journeys, continues to strive toward making achievements in gaining higher levels of health beyond absence of symptoms that few people ever get to experience. It's fascinating to witness what unexpected changes can occur with and within the physical body if you fulfill and maintain the conditions of health in all arenas (physical body, as well as the emotional, mental, and spiritual fields) as a high priority. Her hair, as an example, went from poker straight to developing beautiful curly waves on its own; the sort of aesthetics people spend lots of money on products and curling devices to achieve.

For other examples of what people (and their animals/pets too) have accomplished, you can check this page:

Funny thing is you can undergo a very similar, but individually tailored process regardless of what the so-called "disease" condition(s) is. Once you grasp this, you will be in awe of the fact that there exists sometimes huge support groups, research teams (that research for the treatment of various symptoms), charitable foundations, and forums (like this one) for every condition out there, many of these hoping for a one-size-fits-all solution that is easy to apply, administer, or ingest. That will never occur because it isn't physiologically possible.

On the other side, you have individual practitioners and healers that have explored a greater holistic understanding of the human body and embodied this understanding into their practice with resulting extraordinary success whether or not they were able explain why it worked. In addition, you have institutions and organizations (such as the 'International Academy of Lymphology' and 'International Society of Lymphology') that have carried the medically documented research which was later buried, kept out of medical journals, and ignored - research that reveals what must take place at the interstitial (between the cells) level to create "disease," and what can be done to reverse this. This included research published by the American Medical Association in 1964 in their own official journal ("Today's Health") (a condensed version of this research was published by Reader's Digest), as well as critical research and considerations found in earlier editions (2nd through 6th) of Arthur C. Guyton's Textbook of Medical Physiology (the most widely used physiology textbook in the U.S.), which can't be found in later editions. It is up to each individual to judge what they make of such realities, but there are so many clear tell-tale signs out there that things have been going on for decades that aren't in the general public's best interest (and if you think about it, problems - requiring periodic or constant servicing - contribute largely to cyclical consumption and economic growth). And in reference to the research teams, it isn't far-fetched to say that "the research has already been done, and it was done decades ago."

Needless to say, if you fulfill the conditions of health, the problems will leave of their own accord. For many people, however, this is too simple to understand and they prefer the illusion of there being a million different diseases with their own cause and own specific set of treatment protocols. But at least seeds have been planted when the message of simplicity is conveyed. It can take a while for some people to come to this realization while for others it may never happen.

I'm happy to hear you're making progress and that you've realized that symptom-treatment-based approaches only yield temporary patchwork. Supplements, medications, antibacterial/steroid creams, surgery, therapies and the like - although some are useful and sometimes utmost necessary - will only ever produce temporary (days, weeks, months, or years) relief of symptoms if positive health is not reinforced by appropriate and necessary lifestyle and dietary changes (to fulfill the conditions of health as mentioned). The root cause is left unchecked/ignored and will only continue to worsen as each of us continue to engage the same actions that created the problem in the first place. But I understand that some people may prefer to just treat symptoms, because reclaiming one’s health involves a lot of work and commitment, and isn’t always “easy.”

Alright. Let's go over your questions.

For the purpose of maintaining a form of balance, as needed (emphasis on "as needed"), with your approach, you can have those items in your diet as long as their kept to a very minimum (small portion once a week max). But you should always strive to find better and satisfying alternatives if you can (e.g. quinoa, millet, amaranth, cauliflower, zucchini noodles, wild rice, etc. instead of pasta/spaghetti).

Bare in mind that recommendations are always on a per case basis since some people should cease the consumption of such foods immediately, to permit the body to do its work.

As for coffee, this is addressed in question #5 here:

The energy aspect of it will take you to your (presumably exhausted) adrenal glands (and can extend to low thyroid function and/or intestinal malabsorption of nutrients in some cases). When stimulants of all kinds (mainly caffeinated beverages, salt, and adrenalin-rich tissue i.e. slaughterhouse meat) are removed from the diet, people tend to find themselves running very low energy, which they blame on the new diet and then return to the old one.

A friend of mine and fellow practitioner recently did a webinar presentation on understanding and reversing adrenal fatigue (which he himself has overcome), which someone was nice enough to record and upload for us:

Your diet appears decent for starters. But you will eventually hit a plateau from the greens and non-fruit food items in your diet, at which point you must increase the ratio of water-rich fruit to everything else. As much as people wish to argue in favor of greens and vegetables, fruits are and have always been the top and most aggressive cleansers (only superseded by properly conducted water and dry fasting) and high quality fuel for the human body. And every person can experiment to verify this on themselves.

Our standard dietary approach in the initial stages is "fruit all day with a salad or steamed/cooked veggie meal at night." Fresh, homemade green juices (perhaps with some turmeric root and/or ginger root in your case) can be interspersed throughout the day.

Also, basic tip: don't drink liquid with your meals.

The key is to not detoxify too slow or too fast, but somewhere near the sweet spot (the sweet spot being defined by the circumstances and urgency of the situation unique to every person).

As for botanical products/supplements/practitioners, it will depend. I do not know enough about your situation to make any specific "what I would do if it were me" recommendations. But there are a number of things that could prove very useful to you, and there are some of these things we in the Dr. Morse community use to target and enhance key areas of the body to support the detoxification and regeneration processes. Pain relief techniques and therapies are always helpful to take the edge off and make life easier as you work yourself through.

To help you along, I will point you in three directions:

1.) Newcomers' Introduction page:

2.) The FAQ page:

3.) The Practitioner Resources page:

Learn as much as you can. The more you don't have to rely on anyone else, the better.

Kind wishes,
- Nichlas B.

Last edited by Nichlas B. on Sat Aug 16, 2014 10:43 am; edited 1 time in total

Nichlas B.

Posts : 35
Join date : 2014-02-26
Age : 31
Location : Denmark

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Post  RoseKa Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:48 pm

Hi Nichlas. You've got to be a godsent. I deeply appreciate you taking your time to do this for us and others. Im gonna go through your site and the adrenal gland video this weekend. Is it right you dont schedule consultations/work with people?

Glad Ria is doing so well. Not fair her hair curls by default, Id love that.

Speaking of the IAL you mentioned, i have heard of Samuel West before. I think it was back in the late nineties he was getting a lot of mentioning for popularizing mini trampolins/rebounders. I shouldve investigated him a little more it seems.... Interesting about the research cover up too. So basically the medical profession is looking for pieces of the puzzle that have already been discovered and then "removed from the table" so to speak? No wonder we're left to having to figure these things out for ourselves if we wanna heal. But i guess we have always been able to heal ourselves from the very beginning of our existence but became distant from nature and out of tune with our bodies... The perspective on disease you share is so refreshing and empowering. It makes so much more sense. I was just googling different disease conditions and i see what you mean about the different groups and organizations.

I will try the fruits all day with a salad dinner. Are there any specific fruits i should focus on you think? Some better than others? Ill get a juicer for the juices. Any brand you could recommend? Or maybe this is all covered on your site as well?

Sorry for all the questions but after experiencing decrease in pain after 3 weeks on lots of fruits and veg and now reading Ria's and your posts i feel like im finally finding my answers lol....

Thank you thank you thank you!


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Age : 45

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Post  Nichlas B. Sat Aug 16, 2014 11:46 am

RoseKa wrote:Hi Nichlas. You've got to be a godsent. I deeply appreciate you taking your time to do this for us and others. Im gonna go through your site and the adrenal gland video this weekend. Is it right you dont schedule consultations/work with people?

Glad Ria is doing so well. Not fair her hair curls by default, Id love that.

Speaking of the IAL you mentioned, i have heard of Samuel West before. I think it was back in the late nineties he was getting a lot of mentioning for popularizing mini trampolins/rebounders. I shouldve investigated him a little more it seems.... Interesting about the research cover up too. So basically the medical profession is looking for pieces of the puzzle that have already been discovered and then "removed from the table" so to speak? No wonder we're left to having to figure these things out for ourselves if we wanna heal. But i guess we have always been able to heal ourselves from the very beginning of our existence but became distant from nature and out of tune with our bodies... The perspective on disease you share is so refreshing and empowering. It makes so much more sense. I was just googling different disease conditions and i see what you mean about the different groups and organizations.

I will try the fruits all day with a salad dinner. Are there any specific fruits i should focus on you think? Some better than others? Ill get a juicer for the juices. Any brand you could recommend? Or maybe this is all covered on your site as well?

Sorry for all the questions but after experiencing decrease in pain after 3 weeks on lots of fruits and veg and now reading Ria's and your posts i feel like im finally finding my answers lol....

Thank you thank you thank you!
Hey Roseka,

For the time being I won't be seeing people (unless they're locals in need), so in the meanwhile I'm devoting time to creating self-help educational material, before I do start and turn very busy. Might I also add that I wouldn't feel very inclined toward accepting clients through an online support forum outside of the community I'm involved in. I personally feel it's overstepping a boundary. Not that I would necessarily decline to work with you in the future if you, as an example, sought my cooperation outside of this medium. But I'll hang around here to answer questions and you can take advantage of that as needed.

Precisely. Money is largely being funneled into research that aims to spawn new pharmaceutical drug developments or other disease treatment-oriented projects only for them to tell us every few years, "We're one step closer to a cure!" My primary mentor touches on this within the first few minutes of his most recent video from earlier today:

I would encourage you to watch the entire video as it'll give you a basic overview in relationship to our health issues.

The more than 68 years (1930-1998; first 33 years of which was responsible for the formation of the International Society of Lymphology, or I.S.L., and eventually gave birth to the Academy of Lymphology founded by C. Samuel West) of research (which also involved 3 medical schools) that helps us piece together the puzzle to understand the cause, prevention and reversal of ill health - and which lays the scientific foundation for personal development, health and all the healing arts - has already been done. And there are so many people throughout history who have accomplished so-called "miraculous" feats of health rejuvenation on themselves or their clients/patients with or without an even remotely accurate, scientific understanding of the life and death processes. As an example, you can review the history of natural hygiene, as well as the likes of Prof. Arnold Ehret (Mucusless Diet Healing System).

More fascinating literature can be found at Today's books tend to not really "have it," so to speak. It's mostly all diet fads, 1-day to 4-week "detox" or "cleanse" programs (see, product sales pitch books, and the sort - with a few gems in-between of course.

So, although it's sometimes arduous work, it's that simple and worthwhile to pull off - and yes - mankind and every other animal has always had an opportunity to heal him- or itself given the right circumstances (in nature, you mainly see rest, water fasting, and the use of wild herbs as the predominant mode of healing among animals), which we tend to defy. I mean, just consider how we manage to neglect the most basic things like getting ample fresh air and sunshine (I think of the kids and those around my age (early 20s) that sit indoor playing video games during summer months); physical movement; diaphragmatic breathing instead of shallow/thoracic breathing; adequate rest and relaxation; clean, fresh and high quality sources of food and non-contaminated water.

But we do the best we can once we understand the imperative nature of these things.

Information about diet, as well as recommendations for juicers is all covered within the links I provided.

You can also search for key terms using either:

a. the Q & A Notes PDF (a cross-reference index of all Dr. Morse's Questions & Answers videos, which has taken me hundreds of hours to make and keep updated); or
b. the Health Search Engine website (which someone created based on the Q & A Notes PDF, but is expanded to include videos of other health proponents).

Q & A Notes PDF (pending major update within the next few days):

Health Search Engine:

Wish you a delightful weekend! :-)

Nichlas B.

Posts : 35
Join date : 2014-02-26
Age : 31
Location : Denmark

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Post  RoseKa Mon Aug 18, 2014 6:15 pm

Hi Nichlas. Hope you had a nice weekend. I had a chance to go through your site over the weekend. Chuck full of helpful info for beginners. I really like it. I can imagine that PDF must have taken you months to make like you say in it... Very impressive. So cool to just be able to search up almost any health problem and hear it be adressed by Dr Morse. Hes such a cute grandpa lol, and that alzheimers video was amazing. Btw, i also watched a video with Samuel West and so i noticed both Samuel West and Dr Morse talk a lot about the lymph system and its importance in health and healing no matter what the disease is. Thats an interesting coincidence. Did they ever meet each other? And do you know more about those techniques Samuel West talks about?

Since you updated the pdf yesterday, i found a 2nd hit on vulvodynia (video 261) about a lady suffering from a painfully swollen and stinging vaginal area. He mentions some herbal tea you can apply topically using a soaked pad or washcloth? Can you tell me what that tea is, and should I use it you think? The pain is still decreasing more and more, but i dont wanna get too excited yet...

I bought the omega juicer so it should be here within a few days.

So much to catch up with! Thanks again Nichlas

Edit: I forgot 1 thing i was thinking about. Are you doing all that work for free? I didnt even see a donation button anywhere lol. You are not compensated at all?


Posts : 33
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Age : 45

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Post  Nichlas B. Fri Aug 22, 2014 11:53 pm

RoseKa wrote:Hi Nichlas. Hope you had a nice weekend. I had a chance to go through your site over the weekend. Chuck full of helpful info for beginners. I really like it. I can imagine that PDF must have taken you months to make like you say in it... Very impressive. So cool to just be able to search up almost any health problem and hear it be adressed by Dr Morse. Hes such a cute grandpa lol, and that alzheimers video was amazing. Btw, i also watched a video with Samuel West and so i noticed both Samuel West and Dr Morse talk a lot about the lymph system and its importance in health and healing no matter what the disease is. Thats an interesting coincidence. Did they ever meet each other? And do you know more about those techniques Samuel West talks about?

Since you updated the pdf yesterday, i found a 2nd hit on vulvodynia (video 261) about a lady suffering from a painfully swollen and stinging vaginal area. He mentions some herbal tea you can apply topically using a soaked pad or washcloth? Can you tell me what that tea is, and should I use it you think? The pain is still decreasing more and more, but i dont wanna get too excited yet...

I bought the omega juicer so it should be here within a few days.

So much to catch up with! Thanks again Nichlas

Edit: I forgot 1 thing i was thinking about. Are you doing all that work for free? I didnt even see a donation button anywhere lol. You are not compensated at all?
Hello again, Roseka!

I'm glad you're finding GrapeGate and its content useful. I've received donations in the past, but only for the PDF (that was before GrapeGate came into existence). After launching GrapeGate I decided not to request donations for anything I do. But I do give the option to those who wish to donate something. These projects are more like a hobby to me that I enjoy and love doing. And it just happens to coincide with my line of work too, so it's perfect. I've also worked with very sick people I ended up not charging for (and even gave them specific products I had paid for, for free). Some of us are just extremely giving in that way. Too generous for our own good I sometimes think. :-)

Good question you raise about a potential acquaintance between Dr. Morse and Dr. West.

A fellow detoxification specialist actually contacted Clarity University (founded and presided over by one of Dr. West's 10 children, Stephen E. West) to find out if they ever knew each other. According to Stephen, the two of them never met each other and Stephen had never heard about Dr. Morse before.

But here's the odd part: both Dr. Morse and Dr. West knew Bernard Jensen (American pioneer of the science and practice of iridology, or iris analysis) - and Dr. Jensen was a close personal friend of Dr. Morse's for many years (they were both in an 1997 news report on iridology which you can see here: Dr. Jensen must've realized how deeply Dr. Morse and Dr. West emphasized, appreciated, and taught about the lymphatic system, but somehow didn't get to introduce or mention either one to the other.

Next time I meet Dr. Morse in person I'll have to ask him myself.

I assume it's the self-help speed healing techniques you're referring to, which are part of a non-secular science Dr. West coined the 'Art of Lymphazing'. When Dr. West was alive, he lectured in about 200 cities a year (5-6 cities every week) for 17 years without charging anyone admission. He was kept in motion by donations from people who appreciated the research he taught (he dedicated his life to getting the research out to the world) and the techniques he demonstrated and showed how to do so people could support their own healing at home. He was kept in motion because the techniques work.

The techniques are very simple, easy, and free to do (and you can apply them as much as you want, as long as you don't create stress). All they require is your will and faith to put in the work. And if you're dealing with a serious injury, it'll take faith to work yourself out of it for hours at a time for several days or weeks to keep the lymphatic system activated, bringing oxygen to cells and accelerating the healing process. And although these techniques are amplified when combined with deep breathing and proper rebounding on a quality mini trampoline (alternatively a yoga ball or the edge of one's bed as long as it allows for a good bounce), they work well on their own as long as you always remember to deep breathe while doing them (some techniques require specific breathing techniques to do properly).

I'm still fairly new at using these techniques myself as I learned how to do them only a few months ago. Since I have no major health challenges, I've only had the opportunity to apply them on pains from bumping or hitting my knee, tibia, or shin into things. Following these minor injuries, I was used to the localized pain and bruising lasting for several weeks (only painful to the touch). But with these techniques I can have the pain out completely within hours to 1-2 days (depending on how often I apply the techniques and the degree of the injury) and significantly reduced within 20-30 minutes. I have no rebounder, and only bounce on the edge of my bed when I remember to.

So what people use castor oil packs, warm/herbal compresses, biomagnets, acupuncture, pain medications, etc. for, you can in many cases do with your bare hands, deep breathing, and better yet in combination with bouncing.

I hope to soon be able to test the techniques on someone with chronic pain of any kind, who will allow me to work on them for several hours straight at a time (and teach them how to do it themselves and most importantly teach them WHY it works).

Look through the information presented on the academy's website and listen to the audio presentations within the 'Library' section. You'll learn what it's all about.

The tea Dr. Morse is talking about is his versatile 'Heal-All Tea' herbal blend. People drink it for its gentle detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effects, do steam inhales to soothe and decongest the sinuses (although his '3-Lung Tea' is more suitable for this purpose), add it to bathtubs and bathe in it, use it for compresses (which is what he's suggesting in this case), females douche with it (which is what he originally formulated the tea for decades ago), do enemas with it, apply the plant material on their gums to heal and soothe it, and more.

I'd say you can try it if you want, but if your pain is gradually going down already, you may not need to. So perhaps give it some time and see how you do.

Hope you've received your juicer by now. Have yet another great weekend!

Nichlas B.

Posts : 35
Join date : 2014-02-26
Age : 31
Location : Denmark

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Post  RoseKa Tue Aug 26, 2014 12:05 pm

Hi Nichlas

I really apprecite all that you do for free to help people... It's so needed out there... and on grapegate i found out you're only 21, so young! When did you first start getting into all this? Keep doing what you do and thank you again for answering all these questions!

That would have been interesting if Dr Morse and Dr West met. What a passionate duo. Do you have more info on the iridology thing? That looked fascinating...

BTW did Rita have any appointments with Dr Morse directly? Vulvadynia is not the only problem i'd like to heal from but it's the one that receives most attention because of the debilitating pain it used to give me before diet change. Working with someone that understands the body like him might be a good idea i was thinking... I've seen 3 (almost 4) vulvodynia specialists through the years and it didnt help me very much. The 2nd and 3rd ones were a frustration to work with and didn't seem to care much for their patients... And maybe just focusing on one part of the body all the time is too narrow for real healing to happen...

You suggested maybe putting some ginger and turmeric in my juices (i got the juicer!) It's difficult to find fresh ginger and especially turmeric in my area... so i ordered ginger and turmeric capsules from iherb. I take 1 capsule of each morning and night. So far my right wrist doesn't tire and become painful after writing for more than 10 minutes at a time and my vulva pain is decreasing even more. Ill see how it goes and then maybe get Dr M's tea. Sounds like the tea can be used for everything lol

About the healing techniques, where can i find more info? Any videos or books?


Posts : 33
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Age : 45

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Post  Nichlas B. Wed Aug 27, 2014 2:36 pm

RoseKa wrote:Hi Nichlas

I really apprecite all that you do for free to help people... It's so needed out there... and on grapegate i found out you're only 21, so young! When did you first start getting into all this? Keep doing what you do and thank you again for answering all these questions!

That would have been interesting if Dr Morse and Dr West met. What a passionate duo. Do you have more info on the iridology thing? That looked fascinating...

BTW did Rita have any appointments with Dr Morse directly? Vulvadynia is not the only problem i'd like to heal from but it's the one that receives most attention because of the debilitating pain it used to give me before diet change. Working with someone that understands the body like him might be a good idea i was thinking... I've seen 3 (almost 4) vulvodynia specialists through the years and it didnt help me very much. The 2nd and 3rd ones were a frustration to work with and didn't seem to care much for their patients... And maybe just focusing on one part of the body all the time is too narrow for real healing to happen...

You suggested maybe putting some ginger and turmeric in my juices (i got the juicer!) It's difficult to find fresh ginger and especially turmeric in my area... so i ordered ginger and turmeric capsules from iherb. I take 1 capsule of each morning and night. So far my right wrist doesn't tire and become painful after writing for more than 10 minutes at a time and my vulva pain is decreasing even more. Ill see how it goes and then maybe get Dr M's tea. Sounds like the tea can be used for everything lol

About the healing techniques, where can i find more info? Any videos or books?
Hola Roseka!

I'm always honored to be of help to others. If you go within the 'Orientation' menu, down to the 'About' sub-menu, and click my name, you can read how it all began for me.

Pertaining to iridology, yes:

As far as I'm aware, Rita had possibly several Skype appointments with Dr. Morse (initial consultation, then periodic follow-ups).

I say that if the individual doesn't have the capacity to engage and learn the process on their own, or that their situation really warrants it, they will benefit greatly from cooperating with a competent practitioner, no doubt. In your case I'd say think about it. It seems that you're doing well on your own for the time being, and if you continue learning, you may not need anyone else other than a supportive community that understands what you're doing.

If you want, please feel free to utilize the health evaluation resources on GrapeGate which helps you to identify what potential weaknesses or compromised body systems (circulatory, organ(s), endocrine gland(s), etc.) you're facing. You may even submit the completed forms to me and I'll look over it for you as time will permit.

Have a look at #2 (Self-Assessment Health Questionnaire) and #3 (Basal Body Temperature Study) here:

Turmeric and ginger combined are just wonderful for many types of pain. I'm surprised their working that quickly for you but that's great. You said iHerb, what brand of ginger/turmeric capsules did you purchase from there?

On our community/support forum, a lady started a discussion on vulvodynia back in May. This is the most recent response from earlier today:

Josie wrote:“Hi there,

I just wanted to add my experience with vulvodynia.

I started experiencing vulvodynia in January 2014. (HORRIBLE) I also started experiencing many other symptoms or conditions such as tendonitis, major issues with my GI. All of this started happening after I had an IV Antibiotics just prior in December 2013 for a tooth absess which lead to locked jaw.

I started researching more. (I had already been into the Raw Food Diet for 10 years) I came across DRM and it clicked that I should just be eating fruits. I did a 40 day fruit fast first and now majority fruit with a salad or rice and veg just once a week if that. At this time I did not take any herbal supplements I only just started taking them about a week ago (detox week 1 and 2)

During the 40 day fruit fast things got better then they got worse but for a shorter period then everything cleared up then I had just a minor flare for a few days and now for a few months I have had no symptoms of vulvodynia. (Still working on GI issues that flare only if I eat rice and veg and even salad) I also wanted to say that during the 40 day fruit fast my jaw locked again from the wisdom tooth abscess but I just rode through it and it cleared up within a week.

I now see eating a majority fruitarian diet as a lifestyle that I will continue for the rest of my life, the healing and energy I experience is amazing.

I hope this information is helpful to someone,


Going back to where you wrote, "And maybe just focusing on one part of the body all the time is too narrow for real healing to happen," as you will note from Josie's post, the healing process didn't just take care of her symptoms medically diagnosed and labeled as "vulvodynia" but also multiple other issues as well, which is to be expected when addressing the body as one unified system in a holistic manner; the body takes care of the rest once the right conditions are in place and we get out of the way afterwards. These are not "miracles," it's just what happens when you treat and support the body right.

Supplementation of any kind, medications, compounded steroid creams, surgery, or therapies with the sole purpose or effect of symptom-treatment or "disease-fighting" will never establish the proper conditions for the body to heal, but can without question offer temporary relief and suppression of symptoms for periods of time only for the problem to return in one form or another- many times much worse. And, unless you really want to set yourself up for future trouble, antibiotic medications of any kind are just plain no-goes with VERY few emergency exceptions.

Again, it sounds like you're doing phenomenal so far, keep up the good work and you'll succeed. Keep the questions coming, I don't mind, haha. Oh, and don't think you have to jump into 40-day mono-fruit "fasts" from reading Josie's post. But for some that's just what it'll take.

If you'd care to ask Dr. Morse a question(s) for him to address on a 'Questions & Answers' YouTube, you can submit it to him here:

As for the speed healing techniques, you can read about the courses offered through the International Academy of Lymphology (I.A.L.).

You can learn about the techniques in Dr. West's book the Golden Seven Plus One ($40 + shipping) which you can order by contacting the I.A.L. directly.

Nichlas B.

Posts : 35
Join date : 2014-02-26
Age : 31
Location : Denmark

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Post  RoseKa Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:57 pm

Hi Nicholas

I had an appointment with my doctor on the 29th to discuss the medications I am on...

My pain levels have decreased to the point i don't think taking pain meds is necessary anymore. Doc said "if you think youll feel good without it, dont take it. If the pain increases, resume taking it as needed". My blood pressure is now in the "normal zone" so im off of my hypertension med also. I chose to stop the low dose antidepressant over a week ago and told the doc i dont want to take it anymore. Last night I slept like Ive never slept before in a looong time. I think im getting my life back...! And im so grateful to be blessed with a caring and supportive hubby. Sex has been a problem for a long time because of the pain Sad But at this rate i think we will be able to have naughty love making soon! Ill surprise him one night Razz  Razz

When i told the doc about my diet he looked at me like i was an alien lol... But he agreed if it works then just continue but to come in for regular blood tests...

Josie's testimonial is beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. 40 days on fruit in exchange for no more pain and my life back? Screw meds, Id get on that train ASAP lol

I bought the ginger and turmeric from a company called Paradise Herbs on iHerb.

Ill send Dr Morse a few questions. It would make my day to hear him address them. Im getting addicted to his videos. But he must receive hundreds of questions every week?

Thank you for the health resources. Ill complete them and send them to you... I have a new appointment with my doc this coming friday to do with blood test and blood pressure checkup to see if the hypertension med is necessary to take again. Is there anything i should bring up with him?

I enjoy how you put these things into perspective about treating symptoms vs going after the root cause... Ill order Dr Wests book next week.


Posts : 33
Join date : 2014-08-15
Age : 45

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Post  Nichlas B. Thu Sep 04, 2014 8:33 am

RoseKa wrote:Hi Nicholas

I had an appointment with my doctor on the 29th to discuss the medications I am on...

My pain levels have decreased to the point i don't think taking pain meds is necessary anymore. Doc said "if you think youll feel good without it, dont take it. If the pain increases, resume taking it as needed". My blood pressure is now in the "normal zone" so im off of my hypertension med also. I chose to stop the low dose antidepressant over a week ago and told the doc i dont want to take it anymore. Last night I slept like Ive never slept before in a looong time. I think im getting my life back...! And im so grateful to be blessed with a caring and supportive hubby. Sex has been a problem for a long time because of the pain Sad But at this rate i think we will be able to have naughty love making soon! Ill surprise him one night Razz  Razz

When i told the doc about my diet he looked at me like i was an alien lol... But he agreed if it works then just continue but to come in for regular blood tests...

Josie's testimonial is beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. 40 days on fruit in exchange for no more pain and my life back? Screw meds, Id get on that train ASAP lol

I bought the ginger and turmeric from a company called Paradise Herbs on iHerb.

Ill send Dr Morse a few questions. It would make my day to hear him address them. Im getting addicted to his videos. But he must receive hundreds of questions every week?

Thank you for the health resources. Ill complete them and send them to you... I have a new appointment with my doc this coming friday to do with blood test and blood pressure checkup to see if the hypertension med is necessary to take again. Is there anything i should bring up with him?

I enjoy how you put these things into perspective about treating symptoms vs going after the root cause... Ill order Dr Wests book next week.
Hey again. Smile

I'm thrilled to hear of the progress you're making. Keep up the good work.

If you see this in time, have your doctor perform a blood pressure (1) checkup on you on BOTH arms. Then provide me the data. Their "normals" (which are based on the average person) are usually either too low (systolic/top number) or too high (diastolic/bottom number).


You want the pressure on both sides to be within the range of 120-130 over 60-70 (120 over 60 being "perfect"). According to Dr. Morse, from clinical experience and observation, this applies to children also.

Of course you'll have "dip days," where adrenal activity is decreased for whatever reason (stress, lack of sleep, pushing yourself too hard, etc.) and your systolic is likely to drop below 118 on such days unless artificially raised by the diastolic (kidney) pressure.

Also, with your blood work, have him highlight your creatinine (1) and BUN (2) (unless it's a digital copy you're receiving).



Reference ranges:

As a further evaluation of kidney function, you can check for the degree (if any) of sediment in your urine.

Thanks for informing me of Paradise Herbs.

Dr. Morse does receive volumes of questions per week. Sometimes he has 2-3 thick stacks of questions on his table, haha. But you can re-submit your question(s) every 14-21 days if he doesn't get to them.

If you haven't already, I would suggest getting into some deep breathing practices:

Oh, it's nothing really, for the message is simple: care holistically for the body as one whole system, instead of exclusively just treating parts of it, and your success will be high. As your understanding increases, the [should-be-common] sense of this will follow.

Take your time and send the forms whenever you're ready.

Nichlas B.

Posts : 35
Join date : 2014-02-26
Age : 31
Location : Denmark

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